Melody Cheng // Ep 67 // Honest Conversations With an Asian Boss Girl

Welcome to Episode 67 of the Asian Hustle Network Podcast! We are very excited to have Melody Cheng on this week's episode. We interview Asian entrepreneurs around the world to amplify their voices and empower Asians to pursue their dreams and goals.

 We believe that each person has a message and a unique story from their entrepreneurial journey that they can share with all of us. Check us out on Anchor, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, TuneIn, Spotify, and more. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave us a positive 5-star review. This is our opportunity to use the voices of the Asian community and share these incredible stories with the world. We release a new episode every Wednesday, so stay tuned! 

Melody Cheng is the co-host & co-founder of the podcast, AsianBossGirl, a podcast for the modern-day Asian American woman. Her passion lies in storytelling and connecting with people through digital media, especially within the API community.

Prior to working at AsianBossGirl, Melody found her career in digital media by acting as a talent manager/ producer for Asian American digital creators, working corporate in social media marketing and studio production for fast fashion, and leading community & social media growth at Jubilee Media.

When she’s not working on the podcast, you can find her binge-watching Korean dramas or, as a self-proclaimed "Comfort Cook," in the kitchen trying out her mom's recipes.

Please check out our Patreon at @asianhustlenetwork. We want AHN to continue to be meaningful and give back to the Asian community. If you enjoy our podcast and would like to contribute to our future, we hope you’ll consider becoming a patron.

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