In the heart of North Texas is an extraordinary 11-year-old, Olivia Huynh, with big dreams and ambitions as diverse as acting, singing, and artistry.
At her young age, Olivia is the proud owner of Rocketbelly, an Arlington-based bubble tea shop claiming to be the sole self-serve boba tea destination in Texas. “She really is the owner,” said Olivia’s mother, Mary Huynh, to Spectrum News. “She thought of the concept and runs the place. Most of the money we used came from money she’s earned in modeling and acting gigs.”
Olivia was 4 years old when she expressed her desire to be in movies. Her mother created a YouTube channel, featuring a young Olivia’s DIY arts and crafts, sweet treat tutorials, and imaginative gift ideas. Simultaneously, Olivia started auditioning for commercials, landing roles in major brand advertisements.
As for Rocketbelly, the outer space-themed shop opened its doors in the fall of 2022, offering a diverse range of 10 milk tea and two fruit tea flavors, along with 28 different toppings, including freshly made boba.
The Huynh family has ambitious plans to expand Rocketbelly to multiple locations across North Texas, while Olivia remains resolute in pursuing her acting career with the full support of her family.
Featured Image Source: Spectrum News